
Mindjjo branded wall graphic showing age ranges 3-17.

Expanding online learning for ages 3-17


Logo Design
Visual Brand Language
Marketing Materials

Mindjjo (mind + joy) is an innovative online learning platform that caters for ages 3 to 17. What makes Mindjjo different to other academic services is that it takes a holistic approach. Mindjjo challenges the traditional ways of learning and believes the key to education is happiness.

Using playful illustration design and typography, each year group is represented by their own icon/character and logotype. The idea is that the Mindjjo brand identity itself ‘grows up’ with the children as they progress through their education. This is also conveyed in the colour palette transitioning from fun, energetic colours in the early years to softer, subtle shades as students reach young adulthood.

The fun-loving brand identity translates perfectly onto a host of branded materials such as a set of colourful business cards, individually designed per year group, student materials and general brand assets, including stickers and badges.

Early and Primary school years Mindjjo logo designs.
Mindjjo branded sticker designs on a laptop.
Colourful Mindjjo branded business cards using the new colour palette.
Secondary and Pre-University Mindjjo logo designs.
Mindjjo branded badge designs sewn on a backpack.
Mindjjo branded study planner for students.
Colourful Mindjjo mascot designs for each age group.
Mindjjo branded coursework folder and pens.

If you feel like I would be a good fit for your project, or you would just like to have a chat, please drop me an email, I can't wait to hear from you.