General Conditions

Liam Warsop will only commence work once an order has been placed by either phone, email or in writing. An ‘order’ is deemed to be a verbal or written contract between Liam Warsop and the Client (you) including telephone and email agreement. Invoices will be generated and issued electronically and sent by email to the Client. The preferred method of payment is Bank Transfer. Details of the account will be included on all invoices.

Liam Warsop accepts no legal liability for loss or damage caused by any work carried out by Liam Warsop.

All quotations are valid for a period of 30 days only.

These Terms and Conditions supersede all previous agreements or understandings. Acceptance and or payment of a quotation, estimate or invoice constitutes agreement and full acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. The most up-to-date version of these Terms and Conditions will always be available on

Liam Warsop reserves the right to terminate a project if;

  1. The client behaves poorly and affects the workflow of a project.
  2. The client shows a lack of focus in getting a project finished through no communication after 60 days.
  3. The client shows excessive micromanaging, demonstrating a continued lack of trust in Liam Warsop and an inability to make progress with the project.

Payment Terms

Liam Warsop reserves the right to require a first payment or ‘deposit’ of between, but not limited to, 25% and 50% of the agreed total costs before any work will be carried out. For work of value less than £500 Liam Warsop reserves the right to invoice for full payment, and receive full payment of said invoice, before any work commences.

All deposits are non-refundable.

When work has been completed, the final balance of payment is then due in accordance with the terms of payment, stated on the initial estimate and/or each invoice. Upon completion, if the Client decides they no longer want the work or wish to make changes, they are still obliged to pay for all work that has been done. i.e. if the logo project has been completed, all monies are now due for payment with no exception.

Should the scope of work change during the development of the project, additional costs may be incurred. Liam Warsop will submit any price changes to the Client prior to commencing any such work.

All accounts are payable nett 14 days (unless another prior arrangement has been agreed) meaning that all monies due to Liam Warsop must be paid within 14 days of completion of work and/or date of issue of the invoice. Accounts still outstanding 30 days after the invoice will be considered ‘in default’ and any Client information or services may be suspended. Clients with accounts that are ‘in default’ agree to pay all reasonable costs and expenses, including legal fees in enforcing these Terms and Conditions.

Once a first payment or ‘deposit’ has been paid and work begins, the Client is obliged to pay the balance of payment in full, even if the Client decides to cancel the project for whatever reason. Liam Warsop will contact Clients via email and telephone to remind them of such payments if they are not received when due. If a due payment becomes more than 30 days overdue, Liam Warsop reserves the right to request payment in full for the project at that point. Further work will not be conducted until such payment has been received.

If the Client does not respond to email or phone messages requesting agreed content or sign-off, for a period of two weeks or more, Liam Warsop reserves the right to issue a final warning to the Client that if they do not then respond within three days of the final warning, the project will be paused at that point and the Client will be invoiced in full for work completed up to that point.

In the event that the Client fails to respond to communication for a period of 28 days or more, Liam Warsop reserves the right to ‘archive’ the project and immediately invoice for all completed work and materials. At this point, the project will be on hold until the scope of work and cost for completion of the project is agreed and any deposit required is paid.

In the event of illness or any unforeseen circumstance in relation to Liam Warsop, that could affect project completion, an assessment of work completed will be made in which a portion of the deposit could be returned. If the work completed equates to more than the paid deposit then the project will be on hold until further notice. Alternatively, another reasonable solution will be considered.

Outstanding Accounts

Liam Warsop reserves the right to claim statutory interest at 8% above the Bank of England reference rate in force on the date the debt becomes overdue and at any subsequent rate where the reference rate changes and the debt remains unpaid in accordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 as amended and supplemented by the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2002. Liam Warsop reserves the right to charge for costs and expenses incurred in recovering late payments and to charge interest at the rate then in force pursuant to the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 as of the due date.

A copy of “The Act” is available from Liam Warsop will also claim compensation under the late payment legislation – £40 up to £999 debt, £70 for £1000 to £9999.99 and £100 for £10,000and above.

Following consistent non-payment of an invoice Liam Warsop, or appointed solicitors, will contact the Client in question, with a view to taking the matter further and if the need arises to seek payment through legal proceedings, and if necessary court summons.

Ownership & Copyright

All graphics, sketches and any development work will remain the property of Liam Warsop until all accounts are paid in full. Liam Warsop reserves the right to use any artwork, ideas, sketches and/or any other media deemed relevant to the project in their portfolio and marketing, whatever that may be (including, but not limited to social media). This can be during the project, and also upon completion. If you have any specific ‘secrecy/privacy’ requirements, please ensure Liam Warsop is aware of these before entering into this agreement.

Liam Warsop does not provide any practical assistance in registering for a Trademark, Copyright or legal name search. If you require a logo to be registered, you are encouraged to seek proper legal advice.

Font Licensing

Any fonts or typefaces that are purchased for a final design, and/or supporting brand identity assets, are subject to commercial licensing laws. The correct font/typeface licence gives only the owner full rights to use the font/typeface as necessary.

If during the project Liam Warsop feels that a commercial font/typeface is appropriate for the development of the Client logo and brand identity, Liam Warsop will convey this to the Client before any purchase is made. Upon agreement to its use from the Client, the font/typeface and license must be purchased and/or registered to the Client before the project is finalised.

Liam Warsop is bound by font/typeface licensing laws therefore it is against the law for Liam Warsop to provide a ‘copy’ of any font/typeface purchased and/or registered to Liam Warsop.

If the Client would like to use a font/typeface that Liam Warsop has purchased, for commercial use, the Client must purchase the respective font/typeface licence, and register as appropriate. Liam Warsop can facilitate the purchase and registration of a font on the Client’s behalf, the cost of doing so will be included in the final invoice.

A PDF copy of these Terms & Conditions is available upon request.